Embedding CQI Methodology in Two-Year College Technical Programs

NSF GRANT # 0501885
2005 - 2008

MIMIC Project
Leadership Team
High school / junior high participation
Edible Car Contest for IVCC students
Edible Car Contest for Kids
Grant Project Team
MIMIC Workshop for high school/ college teachers/ administrators
Grant Project Assessments
RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS - developed as part of this grant project

Teachers Resource Manual for Adapting the MIMIC Project Model

Plans for Multidisciplinary Projects Adapted from the MIMIC Model

MIMIC Student Guidebook

Modules for Integrating Workplace Skills

Establishing A Leadership Team

In 2005, IVCC received a grant from the National Science Foundation to utilize the MIMIC project (Making Industry Meaningful In College) to build continuous quality improvement (CQI) and reengineering into the two-year technical programs in engineering design and electronics. 

In the one-semester MIMIC project, students enrolled in engineering design, electronics and business programs design, prototype, manufacture, market and sell products. Under the grant, MIMIC became the focal point of the technical programs, with the technical students  designing and reengineering MIMIC products throughout their two-year programs.  The hands-on, learning-centered nature of MIMIC was also utilized as a magnet to interest high school students in technical careers and to improve their success in technical programs. 

Under the grant, a Leadership Team was created for promising technical students, providing them with training to develop their leadership and utilizing their skills to assist other students and in recruiting efforts.

The grant project was completed in 2008 and resulted in resources for teachers (links at left) for organizing similar programs.

Interested in organizing a multi-disciplinary project at your school or college?   Learn to adapt the award-winning Making Industry Meaningful In College (MIMIC) multi-disciplinary project model to your high school or college and your students.  Arrange for a MIMIC Workshop at your site.  

For more information about a multi-disciplinary workshop


Principal Investigator Dorene Perez, CAD/CAE Program Coordinator, Email:  dorene_perez@ivcc.edu

Co-Principal Investigator Jim Gibson, Electronics Program Coordinator, Email:  jim_gibson@ivcc.edu

Co-Principal Investigator Rose Marie Lynch, Communications Instructor, Email:  rosemarie_lynch@ivcc.edu

Illinois Valley Community College
815 North Orlando Smith Avenue
Oglesby, IL 61348
PHONE: 815-224-2720
FAX:  815-224-3033