Leadership Team
A National Science Foundation grant supported the creation of a Leadership Team for technical students, which provides them with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Promising students in engineering design, electronics and manufacturing are identified by their high school and IVCC technical instructors. They are selected on the basis of attitude, commitment and work ethic, willingness to help others, and leadership potential. The selected students organize and participate in a variety of promotional and recruiting activities for their programs, mentor other technical students, and participate in professional activities such as conferences.
Leadership Team members gave a presentation on their team activities
at the American Association for Engineering Education Illinois/Indiana
Section meeting in Indianapolis, Ind. in 2007.![]()
A Leadership Team student
provides peer support
in the Electronics Lab
Leadership Team students discuss plans at a lunch with engineering design and electronics instructors.
A Leadership Team student,
foreground, helps with the
Edible Car ContestThe 2007 Leadership Team adopted a name: Leaders in Industrial Technology Engineering Working for Advancement in Vocational Education, or LITE WAVE. The Leadership Team students have been encouraged to enroll in a college orientation course, Strategies for College, at IVCC, free of charge, and are then paid a stipend to provide peer support and to assist in recruiting efforts. Team members speak to high school students and community organizations about their technical programs, assist with career and job fairs, and help with other events such as the annual Edible Car Contest held to celebrate National Engineers Week.
Leadership Team members are assisting with recruiting efforts in IVCCs current National Science Foundation grant, Building An Engineering Technology Workforce: A Plan for Reaching Young People, Adults and Women. In the current grant project, at the high school level, Leadership Teams, modeled after IVCCs team, are being organized.
For more information on the Leadership Team, see
Establishing A Leadership Team,
a handbook which explains how and includes sample paperwork to establish similar teams
at the community college or high school level.Contact:
Dorene Perez, CAD/CAE Program Coordinator, Email: dorene_perez@ivcc.edu
Jim Gibson, Electronics Program Coordinator, Email: jim_gibson@ivcc.edu
Illinois Valley Community College
815 North Orlando Smith Avenue
Oglesby, IL 61348
PHONE: 815-224-2720
FAX: 815-224-3033