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Grant Timeline

First Year, 2005-2006

June 2005
  • Contact high school instructors, identify Leadership Track students.
  • Develop assessments for language skills of non-native speakers.
  • Meet with advisory committee for curriculum development, review enrollment and evaluate recruitment efforts.
July 2005
  • Develop curriculum for fall, spring courses affected, including CQI, project management and other skills.
August 2005 - Middle
  • Enroll Leadership Track students in Strategies for College.
  • Identify, refer students with special language skill needs.
  • Begin reengineering process with first-year students: analyzing products and making recommendations.
  • Begin reengineering process with second-year students: analyzing products, making recommendations, redesigning and prototyping.
September 2005
  • Form student support groups.
  • Begin team training for second-year students.
January 2006
  • Begin entrepreneurial team component, form “companies,” begin company meetings.
  • Continue CQI, redesign process with freshmen in their second-semester technical courses: redesigning and prototyping.
February 2006
  • Engineering design students give oral presentations to student teams, instructors, college administrators.
March 2006
  • Students, instructors and mentors travel to National Engineering Design Show for National Manufacturing Week.
  • Electronics students give oral presentations to student teams, instructors, college administrators.
  • Entrepreneurial teams begin production
April 2006
  • Marketing, manufacturing students give oral presentations to student teams, instructors, college administrators.
  • Entrepreneurial teams sell products at MIMIC Fair.
May 2006
  • Accounting students give oral presentations to student teams, instructors, college administrators.
  • Meet advisory committee, industry representatives for evaluation.
  • Conduct exit interviews with students.

Second Year, 2006-2007

Cycle begins again.
Timeline duplicated with adjustments based on evaluations.

Additions to the Timeline

August 2006
  • Plan curriculum for fall, spring courses affected.
  • Continue CQI, redesign process with students in their third-semester technical courses: analyzing prototypes, redesigning, producing new prototypes as needed.
October 2006
  • Conduct workshop for high school technical students and their instructors on the design process
May 2007
  • Conduct exit interviews with first Leadership Track graduates.
July 2007
  • Revise curriculum based on evaluations and feedback.

Third Year, 2007-2008

Cycle begins again.
Timeline duplicated with adjustments based on evaluations.

Additions to the Timeline

Fall 2007
  • Begin follow-up of graduates. Contact graduates, employers for feedback.
  • Begin to compile data/feedback of Leadership Track graduates separate from other graduates.
Spring 2008
  • Revise entire project based on feedback from all stakeholders.