IVCC Edible Car Contest
2017 Edible Car Contest
Wed. Feb. 22, noon, cafeteria
Entry Form | See More information below | Contest Rules |
Edible Car Contest a Finalist for National Bellwether Award
In fall 2012, IVCC's Edible Car Contest was was one of ten finalists for a prestigious Bellwether Award, a national award sponsored by the Community College Futures Assembly hosted by the University of Florida; that was the IVCC contest's second nomination for the award. FOR MORE INFORMATION... In fall 2013, the IVCC contest was nominated again for a Bellwether Award. FOR MORE INFORMATION...
Edible Car Contest Rules FOR IVCC STUDENTSCars must be built entirely from food items edible to humans. Examples: Car bodies have been made from cucumbers, hot dogs, ice cream cones and a loaf of bread. Wheels have been made of pinwheel pasta, cookies and Moon Pies. Each team must consist of a minimum of three students; we suggest at least one team member be female. One goal of the contest is to encourage women to consider STEM careers.* Entries must look like cars. Entries must have at least two axles and at least three wheels, also entirely made from food items edible to humans. To be eligible for a speed prize, an entry must roll down a ramp approximately 3 feet long. The ramp has an automated starting gate and is electronically timed. At least one member of the team must be present at the competition for the entry to be eligible for a prize. Entries must be checked in at the cafeteria by 11:30 AM on contest day. Registration will begin at 10AM Judges: Area engineers and other celebrities. Judging Criteria: Design, detail, speed, creativity and a number of special categories. In a tie, the car that tastes best to the judges will be declared the winner. Decisions of the judges are final. *In special circumstances, gender requirements may be waived. Contact Dorene Data or Jim Gibson (see information below). FACULTY - STAFF RULES Faculty-staff teams must consist of at least two people - no gender requirements. RULES FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEAMSHigh school teams are encouraged to meet the IVCC student team requirements of a minimum of three members and one female on each team, however, high school teams are eligible to compete without meeting those requirements. If a High school team woud like to have a campus tour that can be arranged. High school teams will compete in a category just for high school teams and will also be judged in and eligible for prizes in other general categories such as design, detail, speed and creativity. |
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