The 2011 Ramp

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A Hall High School team  (named Gary Busey) places their 
entry on the track, lines up the starting gate (spatula), and 
watches a respectable but not winning run of .47 seconds 
(or 213 mouthfuls per hour).  They were only seven-hundreths of a second behind the winner

This entry from LP H.S. fails to roll, and slides down the track after a little coaxing.  The "push" disqualified the car from the Speed competition.  However, the Schwingle Racing Incorporated team did win a Third Place in Design and a Third in the High School category.

Nutritious but not durable.  This Project Success creation, which won the Nutrition prize, came apart coming down the track.





Speed Winner, Vicious and Delicious, sets a new record, probably
assisted by the cooking spray that lubricated the peppermint stick axels and Oreo cookie wheels.

Electronic students designed, programmed, built and operated this
 programmable logic controller running Rockwell Automated software.  
The timing setup utilizes a reflective photo eye at the start and finish
 of the three-foot track.



Designers of Team Anatomy, Algebra 4.0, above, assembled their vehicle just before the start of the speed trials to keep the pretzel axels 
from reacting to the moisture in the squash.  But their entry failed to make the cut in the speed competition.