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EDITORIAL:   Newspaper's mission made clear

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The Apache staff has been serving up tasty stories for months, but we seem to have our critics, like any other newspaper. Students and staff that have directed comments showing their disapproval of a recent sports package have brought to mind the question: What is the purpose of a campus newspaper?

One view says the Apache should do everything possible to make IVCC look good. That philosophy says the campus newspaper serves the school best by showing only the good, positive side to activities, events, and groups on campus.

Our stance lets the Apache tell it like it is - as unbiased and complete as we can be, showing the good along with the ugly. By seeking the positive news as well as the negative, we serve our purpose of informing our readers.

The school pays public relations people to paint a pretty picture of the campus and it’s happenings. The PR people do a good job and don’t need our help.

The attention the men’s basketball team received after the Apache gave the team a ‘D’ in that sports feature was not necessarily all bad publicity, anyway. The Chicago Bulls get ripped on every day as the worst team in the NBA, yet they still sell out regularly. The media attention given to a team doesn't make or break it.

If the Apache had a mission statement, it would not include any phrases like "to improve the community's judgment of the college."

Our mission is to increas the students' awareness of the people, events and ideas related to the college and its environment.

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