By Rita Wisen
The annual graduation ceremony will take place on May 12 at 7:30 p.m., in the gymnasium, the nurse pinning on May 13 at 11 a.m. in the Cultural Centre, and the GED graduation ceremony at May 15 at 7 p.m. in the Cultural Centre.
Approximately 180 students are expected to participate in the graduation ceremonies, although Kelly Conrad, director of admissions and records, said the final number is not known at this time. The final count depends on final grades.
The graduation ceremony will include Tony Sorcic as a guest speaker. Sorcic is a former trustee and currently is the president of Citizens Bank in Princeton. The incoming and outgoing student trustees, Jacob Frost and Al Steinz, respectively, will also participate in the ceremonies.
Students will be recognized for graduating Cum Laude, with a GPA of 3.25 to 3.74, Magna Cum Laude, with a GPA of 3.75 and above, and Summa Cum Laude, the highest rank above 3.75. Students will Certificate Honors, a GPA of 3.25 and above, will also be recognized.
Conrad said if any student qualifies, the F. W. Matthiessen Award would be presented. That award requires a student to have high scholarship and to have performed service for the college and service for the community. Nominations for that award are just being accepted, Conrad said.
The wind ensemble, directed by Gene Montgomery will provide music.
A reception in the cafeteria will follow graduation.
This year 40 nursing students are being honored at the pinning ceremony.
According to Gloria Bouxsein, newly appointed director of nursing, "The nursing pin symbolizes not only the nursing school one graduates from, but also all of the hard work and accomplishments that the individual graduate nurse completed within the last two years."
The event includes Bonnie Beardsley, nursing instructor, giving a reflection of the last two years and the students accomplishments.
The pins will be distributed and the nursing lantern will be lighted. The nursing pins will have the IVCC emblem on them and commemorate the completion of the ADN program.
A reception in the cafeteria will follow the pinning ceremony.
Recent General Education Development graduates will be honored May 15.
Any GED graduates planning to attend should call the Adult Education Center at 224-0372 by May 1.