EDITORIAL: Some campaign signs illegal
Every student, staff, faculty, and administrative member of IVCC walks past at least one of the many bulletin boards in the hallways of IVCC.
Those bulletin boards serve a purpose. They notify passers-by of upcoming events, academic assistance, and more or less a general potluck of other information. Each sign or poster has a small stamp and/or signature of its approval to be displayed, placed there by the student services department.
We have to question exactly why that stamp is placed there if illegal material is still passing through that office.
Recently, the Student Government Association held its annual elections. There were a series of posters from a candidate that chose a campaign method that is extremely questionable.
Famous and well-known individuals were seen advertising their choice for the position. We know that it is illegal under invasion of privacy laws to use someones name or likeness for commercial benefit.
Even though a candidate may have photographs or appear to be in photographs with a famous person does not mean that famous person endorses the candidate.
On the other hand, it isnt as if anyone is planning on suing the IVCC student, but there is a question, however, of ethics involved.
It doesnt seem that the crime was that important of an issue at the community college level, but then, when exactly do we start to teach students about ethics and moral responsibility?
It also doesnt seem that the officials that approve these types of advertisement are too well educated about what exactly is legal and what is not. So why exactly are these powers delegated to them to handle such matters?
The college allowed the immoral act, and everyone that passed those bulletin boards was a witness to it.