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TRANSFER TALK: A representative from Eureka will be in the main lobby to talk with prospective transfer students on May 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
TEXT BUYBACK: The spring 2000 textbook buyback will be held at the Bookstore at the following times during final exams:
- May 4 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- May 5 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- May 8 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- May 9 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
TRANSCRIPT TIMING: The Office of Admissions and Records staff is asking students to plan ahead in requesting transcripts. Transcripts are being converted to the new college software program and old course numbers are being converted to the new four-digit system.
Kelly Conrad, director of admissions and records, said spring graduates and students who were enrolled both spring and fall semesters should have a quick turn-around time, but students who were enrolled in the spring but not in the fall may not.
"The office asks for patience and understanding during this transition period," Conrad said.
RECRUITING A VET REP: The Financial Aid Office is seeking a student to serve as a Veterans Representative. Applicants must be receiving the GI Bill and attending at least nine hours per semester. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office, C-213.
RIVER TESTING: River testing is scheduled for April 29. Students wishing to participate can meet in front of the college main building at 8:45 a.m. Testing should be complete by about noon to be followed by optional fossil hunting.
ENDING PICNIC: The Chem Club end-of-year picnic will begin at 11 a.m. May 10 at Starved Rock State Park. Election of officers for next year will be held at the picnic.
Organizers said the picnic is free but participants should being a food item. A sign-up sheet is located in the office of advisor Robert Byrne.
NEED $$$$ FOR SUMMER? Funds to pay summer class tuition may be available through IVCCs Work Transition Program. Liasion person Margaret Allen said that students who had limited income in 1999 may be eligible for financial assistance.
Further information and application forms are available from Allen in the Counseling Center and at 224-0728.
TOOTHBRUSH TRAINING: Dental assisting students attended the Health and Safety Fair at Northwest School in LaSalle April 7 and provided tooth brushing instruction to about 150 pre-school through kindergarten children.
Pat Pearson, dental assisting program coordinator, said the children practiced on toobrushing puppets, Alexander Alligator and Bucky Bronco. The IVCC students are members of the SODA, the Society of Dental Assistants. This is the second year SODA members have been invited to participate in the fair.
ADV/SAS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: ADV/SAS is looking for caring and dedicated individuals to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities include responding to hospital calls, answering the crisis hotline, stuffing envelopes, and organizing fund raisers. Further information is available at 434-9650.
INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE: The Employee Campaign to raise funds for the IVCC Foundation is continuing through the end of April. Anyone who has not yet completed a pledge card can contact one of the organizers of the campaign: Sandy Beard, Rose Marie Lynch, or Bonita Dahlbach.
REGISTRATION CONTINUES: Registration for fall and summer classes is continuing on campus, by mail, fax and phone. On campus, students may register from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday.
To mail or fax a registration, students can clip and complete a registration form in the class schedule. To fax a registration, call 224-6091. Registration by telephone is available by calling 224-0447, 224-0448, or 224-0449.
SUERTH WINS GRANT: Chemistry instructor Margaret Suerth has been awarded a grant from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program to offer a two-week workshop June 5 - 15 for grade 2 - 6 science teachers.
TEMPLETON RESIGNS: Melissa Templeton, director of learning technologies, has resigned her position. She will be moving to Oregon.
Templeton has been at IVCC for two years. A search to replace her is being conducted. Jerry Corcoran, director of human resources, said a director could be named by the end of April.
STAFF RECOGNIZED: A Recognition Event honoring new retirees, years of service awardees and faculty recently appointed tenure will be held May 5 at the Hotel Kaskaskia in LaSalle. The event will begin with a social hour at 4 p.m.
DIGITAL LIBRARY GRANT: IVCC students are among the 750,000 students in Illinois colleges who will benefit from an $870,000 grant to fund the Illinois Digital Academic Library. The goal of the IDAL initiative is to provide a collection of full text and image digitized resources to support instruction, study and research by students, faculty and staff at Illinois colleges.
PLANT SALE: The Illinois Valley Senior Center is sponsoring a geranium sale. Flowers must be paid for in advance and ordered by May 10, delivery day.
The 4-inch pots are $2 each. Orders can be made by contacting Pat Croissant at ext. 346.
JOB HUNTING HELP: The Bookstore has a selection of books available on resumes, cover letters and job search methods. These titles will be available through graduation at 15 percent off the retail price.
ERICKSON WINS: Josh L. Erickson, a sophomore from Wyanet, has received the Farm Credit Services Scholarship. Erickson, who is studying agriculture, is planning to transfer to SIU and study forest resource management.
PUT YOUR NAME IN PRINT: Students interested in any aspect of publishing can apply for the Apache staff. All students, part-time and full-time, are eligible.
Applications are available in the Apache Office, B-316, and on the Apache Web site,