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IVCC web page gets global reviews

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By Linda Pottier

Who’s looking at IVCCs web page? Lots of people, apparently, and not just from the Illinois Valley area.

While the web page doesn’t have a counter on it, staff members are receiving e-mail not only from all over the country, but from all over the world.

Jeff Carver, physical science lab assistant, learned recently that his web page was being used in a high school chemistry class in Texas.

"When I changed my web page address to make it easier for my students to use," Carver said, "I received an e-mail from a high school teacher (who) had been using the page and when the address changed he couldn’t find it again."

The soap opera, Ill Valley, written by IVCC students, has received "hits" from a reader in Ohio. English instructor Geoff Schmidt, who teaches creative writing, said he also received a request from a woman in Florida who wanted to write for the soap.

Career Services secretary Jamie Lemmer said she has received resumes and job postings from across the country, and since they put a counter on their page Nov. 30, the page has recorded over 550 hits.

The library is responding to questions, generated by their local history file on the web, from as far as New York and California, librarian Emily Vescogni reported.

Randy Rambo, who is teaching the English 101 course online this semester, has received inquiries about that course from Alaska and Japan. A university student in Los Angeles e-mailed him a thank you note.

"Your web page provided me with invaluable help," the student wrote. Rambo said he thought the student was referring to the class notes.

Requests for IVCC catalog and application information have come from people in Brazil and Egypt.

People from as far away as Mississippi and North Carolina have indicated an interest in the Dental Assisting Program, and Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, English instructor, has been asked if she would consider applying for a job in Cairo….Egypt.

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March 15, 1999 the Apache