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EDITORIAL: Changing as the new century arrives

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Changes. Everywhere you look, things are changing. Most are for the better. IVCC will be able to enter the 21st century standing on its feet.

Take the computer system and the labs. Just in the last six months there have been major changes including a brand-new network, almost all new wiring to every office and every classroom, and lots of network, hardware, and software upgrades.

Lots of neat new equipment has been installed, like in the SMART classrooms. Won’t it be cool when every classroom is?

And the labs have changed. Some have been enlarged, others divided. There’s even a new lab in D – to make computers more readily available.

Things are also moving and names are changing. The peer tutoring lab is now up on the third floor of building B, bringing it closer to the reading, writing, math and study skills lab (which is good except for layout days for the newspaper – we can’t help being loud when we’re on deadline).

Consider the Learning Technologies office. That sounds much better and more up-to-date than Audio-Visual Department.

The campus is also undergoing major maintenance projects, some of which few of us notice, such as roofing being replaced and new phone lines installed. There is also a new phone system that lets us direct dial to offices.

And how can we ignore all of the changes in the athletic department. Football disappeared; a new athletic director was hired. This fall, the women’s tennis season was cancelled. We are moving into a new conference.

And in the women’s basketball program, the season was suspended at mid-point, and the head coach’s contract was not renewed.

And lastly, the Apache has become the first community college newspaper in Illinois to go on-line. And that’s awesome.

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1/28/99 the Apache