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Campus Comment Column: Instructors go beyond call of duty

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Many IVCC instructors are going beyond the call of duty by taking classes, but they do not receive any reimbursement for attending those classes on their own time.

Why don’t instructors have their tuition paid to attend graduate classes? Why should the instructors have to pay for the graduate classes out of their own pockets? Some high schools in the area pay their teachers to take graduate classes

Those instructors are trying to learn more, and that can only help the college and the students in the long run. It’s a give and take situation, and I don’t believe the college is giving anything back -- or, at least, not enough.

IVCC instructors do go up a step on the pay scale when they earn 15 graduate credit hours, but it isn’t really that much. The 15 credit hours results in a raise of about $1,500 to $2,000, but consider how much the instructors pay for classes to receive that pay increase. A three-hour graduate class at ISU costs nearly $500, and that’s just for tuition.

Makes that pay raise look small, doesn’t it?

These instructors need to be reimbursed, even if it is a little something. How about half of the tuition, or all of the tuition if they earn an A?


In response to comments I heard after I criticized IVCC’s web page in my column Jan. 28, yes, there are some web pages I like and find very creative. My favorite faculty pages are (in reverse order): #5 Bob Reese, #3 (tie) Sue Caley, Kim Radek, #2 Jeff Carver and #1 Randy Rambo.

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