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EDITORIAL: Tuition waivers- good or bad

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With the athletic change from Division III to Division II, IVCC will be allowed to offer tuition waivers to athletes. They might also be extending them to certain student organizations.

We’re not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

On one hand, IVCC will be able to recruit outside the district to find top athletes (and right now, certain teams need all the help they can get) and offer them some compensation to play for our teams.

Athletes and students in organizations would get a break and would be able to concentrate on their classes and on their activity and not have to worry about getting an extra part time job in order to pay for school.

On the other hand, being able to recruit and offer tuition waivers to students outside this district might be bad for area students. Most want to play J.C. sports in order to better themselves and get their general education classes out of the way. Students being brought in might cause the coaches to over look the talent in the area and force the in-district athletes to go to senior colleges to play, or they might decide not to play at all.

Some student organizations would have a hard time deciding who, if anyone, in their club would get the waivers. You might have students competing for them that don’t really care about the organization; they just want the money. After they receive it, who is to say that they will stick around to do anything for the organization?

The bottom line is this -- tuition waivers and who receives them will be a tedious and difficult decision to make.

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the Apache 2/18/99