Student nurses manage projects
By Jo Zulkowsky
Thirty students enrolled in Management Concepts in Nursing participated in community projects last semester.
The projects were widely varied and included a toy drive and coat drive with the donations going to families in the IVCC area. Other students worked on AIDS Awareness Day and The Great American Smoke Out.
The idea of community projects is to teach students managing concepts that will be applied as a nurse, said instructor Kim Abel.
"In this project students have to clearly delegate authority, supervise what is going on without trying to do it all by themselves," she said. "It allows them to practice management and set goals."
Abel said "the projects are good experience for students and the community and both of them benefit in the end."
She explained that a couple of the shyer students said they were glad they had to do volunteer work because they never would have done it on their own.
Abel said she hopes the students will continue some of the work they began in class.
Management Concepts in Nursing is taken in the last year of a students nursing program. It is a total of two credit hours with the first hour completed in the fall and the second in the spring although the projects are scheduled in the fall semester.
2/18/99 the Apache