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CAMPUS COMMENT COLUMN: Science labs need to open earlier

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I have been attending classes at IVCC for almost an entire school year and have noticed an unusual thing. When I walk through the halls at 7:45 a.m., on the way to my 8 o’clock class everything seems to be open for student use, except for the two places that I believe should be open.

The life sciences lab and the physical sciences lab do not open until 9 a.m. I do not think this is fair since everything else is open at or before 8 a.m.

For example, in Bio 102 we dissect Fetal Pigs and I had taken mine home to study for our upcoming lab test; as a result I had to carry it around until my break at 10 a.m. I don’t think it impressed my teachers, and more importantly I don’t think I should have had to do that.

I guess when setting those hours they didn’t consider those of us with hectic lives who may want to complete our lab work before our 8 o’clock class. After almost an entire semester of Bio 102, I am tired of having to rearrange my life to stay at school until 4 p.m., long after my classes are complete. Then when I can finally leave I don’t arrive home until 5 p.m. or after.

Why should I have to change my schedule to accommodate a college that is supposed to serve the public?

Finally, I am a morning person and would much rather work on my labs at 7 a.m. than 3 p.m.

So, for those of us who are early birds and/or have hectic lives, I believe that the science should open at 7 a.m.

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April 8, 1999 the Apache