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EDITORIAL: Life is full of changes

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There are several times in everyone’s life that become life altering events. For some, these changes are taken with ease, for others, they are very difficult.

Some of these changes include the step from one level to another, such as eighth grade to high school, and senior year to college. From there, it might become really frightening, because reality sets in and you realize you must make a choice about what to do for the rest of your life.

In high school, fears changed to dating. The opposite sex...what a really scary thought. You worried about fitting in.

By senior year, you’re starting to worry about college. What would be the best way? You could either try to get into a four year college off the bat, or you could opt to take the baby step and get most of your gen ed courses out of the way for a lot cheaper at the local community college.

So then, here you are, not quite ready to grow up, goofing off at the local community college. Here, it is up to you to make it to class on time and to get your homework done. The instructors don’t care if you’re in class or not, or if you complete your work. Life goes on without you. They do try their best to get you to come to class and to get your work done. It won’t be so easy at the next place.

The next step for most would be onto the four year university. For others, the next step will be out into the real world and into a career.

As you look back on all of your life experiences, and the ones here at IVCC, remember the good times, and the bad. Try to make decisions based on what you learned here.

And most of all, good luck.

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The Apache April 29, 1999