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Art students work with children

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By Jo Zulkowsky

IVCC art students who worked with the children enrolled in the Day Care Camp said feeling like kids again was a highlight of the experience.

Instructor Dana Collins volunteered her Drawing students to plan and teach art projects to the 13 school-age children enrolled in the early April IVCC camp thinking the experience would stretch her students’ creativity. The outcome was much more than that.

Brent Genscke said, "I really enjoy working with the kids because it helps to make me feel young and not worry about every day nonsense. It makes me be a kid again."

Dianah Pittman said, "I enjoyed looking at what the kids drew and invented, but my favorite part was getting to draw while lying on the floor."

Sara Sellitto also liked her return to childhood:

"I liked best that I was able to get back to basics myself," she said. "I drew my grandma’s house. There were a lot of things I haven’t drawn in a long time like mushroom trees."

And then she added, "I also liked the kid who belched the ABCs."

Vito Livieri said he "learned how fun it was to be a kid again just to be excited over crafts." Livieri said "the best thing was knowing that the kids enjoyed what they were doing."

Pointing out that the experience taught the art students much more than art, Amy Olszanowski said, "I learned that no matter how good or how bad something is, it’s not the picture, drawing, collage that needs reassurance. It’s the person that needs the extra boost."

Collins said she also learned from the experience.

"I gained a greater appreciation for younger students’ talents," the art instructor said. "I would definitely do this again in future years. I am always looking for new ways to teach my students."

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The Apache April 29, 1999