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Campus Comment Column: College secrets revealed

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By Jo Zulkowsky

Hello, and welcome, particularly to the freshmen but also to those of you returning for another semester. It may seem to you, as it does me, that the summer went by with the blink of an eye. This realization hits as we find ourselves eagerly sitting in a classroom once again.

In order to complete college level courses successfully, being on time and attending class regularly is a necessity; seeing that there are notes to be taken, labs to be done, and tests to study for.

Being the morning person that I am, I prefer to take morning classes beginning at 8. Now, let me ask you, what time is an 8 class supposed to start? I glance up when the professor strolls in, promptly at 8, places the notes on the overhead for that day and class begins right on time, with everyone sitting in their desks prepared to take notes right? WRONG!

Since fall classes got under way there have always been at least two students who saunter in five to ten minutes after class has begun. These late people rummage around finding their books, notebooks, and pens, causing a disturbance for those of us who care.

Now we are attempting to listen to the day’s lecture, which can’t be heard.

Being late also does not impress your professors. Even if they don’t say anything, they notice.

As Jerry Annel, my psychology professor says, "the secret to college is go to bed." If you can’t get your butt up after doing that, then leave the 8:00 classes for those of us who can handle them.

I wish everyone the best of luck and a successful school year.

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