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Have any questions about the library?

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By Jacobs Library Committee

The beginning of a school year brings many new students to IVCC. The following are frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the Jacobs Library staff. Perhaps they are ones you have wondered about but did not ask.

Q: Where do I get a library card?

A: You need a valid student photo ID to check out materials.

Q: How long can I keep books out?

A: Four weeks - no renewal.

Q: Can I copy articles on reserve?

A: The library has two copy machines for student use. Copy cards are available at the circulation desk and are $1, $2 or $5. Copies are 10 cents apiece.

Q: Can I copy from the on-line catalog or the Internet?

A: Yes, but copies are 10 cents a page.

Q: I have to find a magazine article for a class and I don't want to use the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Do you have something on-line?

A: We have a number of databases for searching periodicals, such as Pro Quest.

Q: Can I use the computer terminals in the library to read my e-mail?

A: No, they are for educational research. The computer lab in building D is available for this purpose.

Q: Can I use the computer terminals to write my class projects?

A: No. Word processing should be done in the building D lab.

Q: Can I take the telecourse tapes out of the library?

A: Yes and no. The library has a tape that can be checked out for 48 hours. If the tape you need is checked out, you can view the master tape in the library.

Q: When can I take the telecourse tests?

A: Anytime the library is open. You, however, need to start at least an hour before the library closes.

Q: How many items can I check out of the vertical file and the biography file?

A: The limit is 20.

Q: How many books can I check out of the library?

A: How many can you carry? You cannot, however, check out reference books or every book available in one subject. Nursing books are so popular they are limited to two at a time.

Q: Do I have to come into the library to do my research?

A: Much information is available on-line today, but there are additional sources found only in the library. There you also have the help of a librarian when you have questions.

Q: Where are the dictionaries?

A: Copies are on the tables. The library also has foreign language dictionaries and ones from specialized areas in the reference section.

Q: What does it mean when the call number starts with a DOC?

A: It is either a federal or state document and it is in the documents room. Jacobs Library is both a state and federal documents depository.

Q: Where is your card catalog?

A: It's on-line. Ask a librarian how to use it.

Q: Where are the newspapers?

A: In the reading room. Older issues are located on the last shelf of the periodical section.

Q: How do I know if you have a back issue of a magazine?

A: Printouts of Jacobs Library holdings are in a number of locations in the library, including at the index tables and on top of the cabinets in the reading room.

Other information is available from the staff in Jacobs Library.

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