Taste of Engineering Careers (TEC) Course

GNT 1210 – Illinois Valley Community College – 2 semester hours  

Photos of the fall 2009 class

For an application for the course (pdf) For a pdf of course information-
Fall 2009 section
Resources for Teachers: Taste of Engineering Careers Course, (pdf)

The Taste of Engineering Careers Course focuses on engineering technology skills with a single project – designing and building an electric guitar. Each student will design and construct a guitar which becomes the property of the student upon successful completion of the course.

Course Credit: 2 semester hours (IVCC credit hours)

Course Eligibility: The course if open to high school seniors, at selected high schools, by application, with juniors eligible in special circumstances.  The first course session, offered in fall 2009, was open to LaSalle-Peru High School and Area Career Center seniors. Since this course is supported by a National Science Foundation grant and a limited number of seats are available, applications are evaluated on the basis of the goal/objectives of the NSF grant, the quality of responses on the application and the individual’s potential for success in a technical/technology-related project.

Tuition: Free. IVCC tuition of $139.50 for 2 credit hours plus a $5 registration fee and $100 of the cost of guitar components are supported by a National Science Foundation grant.

Fee: $75 to be paid to IVCC by the student before the first course session. This fee covers the portion of the cost of guitar components not funded through the NSF grant.

Schedule: The first section of the course met on nine Saturdays: October 3 to Dec. 5, 2009 (did not meet Nov. 28) from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Agriculture Building on the IVCC East Campus.

Course Content:

Instructors: Dorene Perez, Program Coordinator of CAD; Jim Gibson, Program Coordinator of Electronics; Tim Bias, Program Coordinator of Manufacturing/Industrial Maintenance.  



Principal Investigator Dorene Perez, Program Coordinator of CAE/CAD, Email:  dorene_perez@ivcc.edu

Senior Personnel Jeanette Maurice, IVCC and Starved Rock Associates for Vocational and Technical Education, Email:  jeanette_maurice@ivcc.edu

Illinois Valley Community College
815 North Orlando Smith Avenue
Oglesby, IL 61348
PHONE: 815-224-2720
FAX:  815-224-3033