
Project Plan Instructions


  Your project plan needs to include:

  • Your name
  • Your institution
  • The educational level of the students in your project
    • If high school, are they freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors
    • If two-year college, are they freshmen or sophomores
  • Subject areas being integrated
  • Possible partnership with business/industry
  • Objectives
  • The project plan
  • Benefits to the students, your program, your institution of the project
  • Estimated start-up funding needed
  • Possible funding sources
  • Project assessment ideas
  • Next steps



Submit your project plan to Rose Marie Lynch

  1. Through email to:         rosemarie_lynch@ivcc.edu

If you use Microsoft Word 2007, please save and send your plan as an earlier Word version.  If you use something other than Microsoft Word, please send your plan as an rtf or txt document.

  1. You must also submit a signed project plan release and a W-9 form (see next pages) in order to receive the stipend for the plan.  You can FAX those forms to the attention of:                Rose Marie Lynch            815-224-3033

You may sign the photo/statement release or not as you choose.


 Please submit your project plan, signed project plan release, and W-9 form by June 27, 2008