Making Industry Meaningful in College

MIMIC 2007

A MIMIC company, above, discusses their product, and MIMIC students, below,  meet in a general session.

Products sold at the MIMIC Fair on April 25: "From Our Space to Your Space"

1. Desktop organizer by Desktop Accessories & More
2. Desktop MP3 Speaker System by Jam'n Inc.
3. Decorative Star Globe Lamp by Star Light
4. Wall Mounted Fish Tank by Hang It

To photos of 2007 products


MIMIC company members, at left and right, review design ideas during weekly team meetings.


A MIMIC team member studies a drawing
of his company's product.
Instructors Susan Koepke and Dorene Perez (background) direct a teambuilding exercise.

To photos of presentations from MIMIC 2007


MIMIC students are reading and discussing a teamwork/leadership book:
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni,
published by Jossey-Bass, 2002.

Classes participating in 2007:

  • Engineering Design -- Instructor Dorene Perez

  • Business -- Instructor Susan Koepke

  • Electronics -- Instructor Jim Gibson