
MIMIC 2010

Members of the Magical Fountain team brainstorm product design.

MIMIC products sold at the MIMIC Fair on April 28, 2010:

1.  Light Chimes, solar powered lighted wind chimes for $20
2. A Magical Fountain for $15
3. A lighted paw dog tag (Modes) for $5
4. Organized Golf, a desk utility featuring a golf bag pen holder and miniature putting green for $15
5.  A retractable earbud holder


Members of the Light Chimes team, at left, discuss their design with instructor Rick Serafini.  At right, the team which produced a retractable earbud holder discuss product ideas in an early brainstorming session.

To photos of 2010 products

To photos of 2010 MIMIC Fair

Classes participating in 2010:

  • Engineering Design -- Instructor Dorene Perez

  • Business -- Instructor Rick Serafini

  • Electronics -- Instructor Jim Gibson