‘Should I stay or should I go?’

Editorial, Feb. 4, 2010

    The Community Technology Center is coming and it’s gonna be big, bad, and outrageously awesome. Well, maybe.
    As of now, we are still hearing about the development of this new Tech Center and everything that is going to be included in it.
    The plan is to move many of the technical programs from the East campus to the main campus and some to the new addition as well.
    One problem that is growing increasingly big is the worry over the Early Childhood Education center. Will it stay or will we hear the dreaded words that it will have to go?
    The center has been around for at least three decades and has been extremely helpful in a lot of different circumstances.
    We have both students and teachers that rely on the daycare for caring for their children. We also have students working in the daycare and observing in it as well for certain classes.
    As of now, the center is not included in any of the new building plans for the Tech Center and the daycare’s future has been relegated to a committee by the Board of Trustees.
    This committee, comprised of board members Larry Huffman and Melissa Olivero, program coordinator Diane Christianson, and vice-president for learning and student development Rick Pearce, is coming together to answer questions and will report to the Board of Trustees in February.
    Last fall, we were hearing stories of moving the Center to the upper gym, but with the cost being so extreme that is definitely now out of the question.
    No other solution has been publicized yet.
    Thankfully, IVCC’s president Jerry Corcoran has assured all of us that our very much appreciated center will not go. Hopefully, he keeps his word and a workable solution is found.