Civil unions gain legal status in Illinois

By Dillon Fenwick
IV Leader Staff, Feb. 17, 2011

    Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a civil union bill into law on Jan. 31, to allow same sex couples many of the rights and obligations that opposite sex married couples get.
    The law, which becomes effective June 1 of this year, allows same sex couples, and unmarried heterosexual couples, the right to decide medicinal treatment for a sick partner, the right to be parent, and the right to inherit the property of a passed partner, even without a will.
    However, these rights only extend to state affairs; couples united by a civil union in Illinois do not receive any federal benefits.
    Couples will not be allowed to file a joint income federal tax return, or have access to other federal-level marriage rights.
    While many Illinois citizens approve of the law being passed, some opponents view it as one step closer to legalizing gay marriage. They believe this bill being signed as a way to allow same sex marriages, without calling it a marriage.
    On the other hand, some people think this law does not go far enough, insinuating that it moves one step closer to allowing equal rights to all of Illinois’ citizens.
    “It’s about time.” said IVCC counselor and Gay/Straight Alliance Co-Advisor Renee Prine when asked for her thoughts on the new civil unions law.
    Students also had their own opinion on the law.
    David Zallis, IVCC student trustee, said, “I think it’s great that our state is taking an active part in showing our country that we are all created equal.”
    Another student, Neal Pierson, 19, said, “I think it’s awesome. Civil rights are great.”
    This summer , the state’s residences will watch as the law becomes effective, and Illinois joins nearly a dozen other states recognizing same sex couples.