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Time to put out the fire

EDITORIAL, May 5, 2005

    Illinois Valley residents elected three people to the IVCC Board of Trustees this past month and at least one new face on the board stirred things up at the April meeting.
    Tom Setchell accused IVCC President Jean Goodnow of spending IVCC money to go on unnecessary trips.
Setchell refused to listen to Goodnow about how and where she went on those meetings. We think that any meeting she attends o to represent the college is not wasteful at all.
    Published reports also indicate Setchell also fired at student board trustee Andy Simko about wasteful spending on the operation costs for the new sign.
    Simko, however, fired back telling Setchell that the students wanted the new sign that is being built, and that it was Simko’s job to listen to the students.
    The board room filled with applause.
    Setchell needs to calm down and listen to what people have to say and read the facts about how the administration spends the college’s money before he makes accusations.
    If Setchell is out to make enemies at the college with his gungho and attacking attitude, then he’s on the right road.
    Dr. Goodnow, Andy Simko, and the rest of the board are trying to do what is best for the college, the community and the students. ]
    Tom Setchell should respect their attempts in trying to make IVCC a better place.