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Goodnow waits for word on Delta College position

By JJ Ossola
IV Leader Staff, May 5, 2005

    Jean Goodnow, IVCC president, is one of five finalists for the presidential vacancy at Delta College in Michigan.
    While Goodnow has interviewed for the post on the Delta campus, the school will narrow the field to two candidates in the second week of May.
    If Goodnow makes that cut, personnel from Delta will come to IVCC for a campus visit.
Delta College is renowned for its landscaped, center garden, its 640 acre campus which has miles of trails, a golf and archery area, tennis courts and a covered bridge. The campus has about twice the student population as     IVCC and offers a broad variety of programs, including Aviation Flight Technology, Surgical Technology, and Construction Management.
    Goodnow has been IVCC’s president since 1996.