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Users, Cheaters, and Liars

By Adam Colmone
IV Leader Sports Writer

    No, this isn’t about an episode of last night’s Jerry Springer show; it’s about the drug crazed game of baseball. Yes, our American pastime.
    Baseball has been infected by the use of steroids at a rampant pace. The balls are flying out of the park at will, and players seem to be getting as big as Arnold Schwarzenegger when he won Mr. Universe.
    All this could come to a stop as more players are coming clean about their use of steroids. Two former MVP’s have come clean and admitted their use. Ken Caminiti, who passed away months ago of a drug overdose, was the first player to admit that he used steroids during his 1996 MVP season. Caminiti claimed many others were also on juice.
    The other former MVP, Jose Canseco, wrote a tell-all book about the use of steroids, “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big.”
    Canseco, referred to many as the Godfather of steroids, went on in his book to talk about how he would inject himself, and also former teammate and homerun king Mark McGwire. He also named many other baseball greats that he suspects or has seen use steroids.
    Many people say Canseco wrote this book to make money and pay his debts. He says he did it to come clean and get back at baseball, who he says stopped him from reaching the milestone 500 homerun list. Believe whatever you want, all I know is that steroids have tainted the game of baseball and its records forever.
    Barry Bonds is one of the biggest names in the game of baseball as he is chasing after Hank Aaron’s career homerun record of 755. He has been in the eye of the media for years, as he has been smashing towering homeruns. Bonds is as solid as an NFL linebacker as he is 6’2, 230 pounds. When Bonds came into the league in 1986 he was 6’1 and only 185 pounds. He began to get bigger as he worked out with trainer Greg Anderson, who was arrested for steroid use. Bonds still says he is clean, but did take a “Cream” from Anderson not knowing what it was.
    Seven MLB players have been subpoenaed by the court to testify about what they know of steroid use in baseball.
    Those 7 players are Frank Thomas, Curt Schilling, Sammy Sosa, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmeiro, Mark McGwire, and Canseco. These players have been linked to steroids, either arguing against them, or been accused of using them.
    The game of Baseball has changed a lot over the years, many of the records have fallen, many of them because of the use of steroids.
    These players can deny that they have ever taken them, but we know they have. Just the way their bodies have grown over time, no one can get that big that quickly and have your head swell up like a balloon. The truth will come out eventually, and I just hope all the players will know they tainted the game of Baseball.
    Baseball once was a game were everyone worked hard to get to the top, now all they have to do is go down to the gym and get a needle and shoot up(steroids). Baseball has been damaged by a large group of steroid users, cheaters, and liars. It now needs help repairing the damage.