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Recreation Room Sits Empty - Unused, Unloved

By Andrew Kelly

IV Leader Staff

    Down the stairs and though the cafeteria of IVCC sits an empty and dormant area of the school unknown by the majority of students at IVCC. This room is a fantasy land for all who enjoy the entertainment of a joystick in their hand, whether it be to slay evil doers, or slam down a monster jam with Kevin Garnett. It’s a great place to burn calories and gain muscles for all the ladies to oogle at. Sadly, this room sits empty. Gone are the days of fights breaking out over who gets the next game of NBA Showtime. Gone are the days of high fives all around for birdiing hole three on Golden Tee 2004. And sadly, gone are the days when people would come from miles around to see certain legends take on the video air hockey table without a care for bodily injury. The glorious room I am referring to is none other than the Recreation Room of Illinois Valley Community College.
    So why does a room with this much action packed adventure sit unused and unloved? There is a handful of reasons why.
    When asked what his reasons were for not indulging in the rec. room, IVCC student Joe Landers replied with a frown, “I just don’t have enough quarters play.” A common response from many students. Who’s to blame for students not having enough quarters to play arcade games? President Bush. While he’s busy dealing with things as unimportant as the national debt, students all over the campus sit quarter less in the cafeteria. A national foundation is in the works for just this dilemma. The Quarters For Students To Play Really Awesome Video Games Foundation, or QFSTPRAVGF for short, is an idea being tossed around by senators from all states.
    But a loss of quarters is just the beginning of the problem.
    Just last year, the rec. room was an electric place to hang out, but at the start of the spring semester, the rec. room was a virtual reality wasteland. Why is this? “It’s just become to commercial, big name companies have come in trying to advertise and sponsor students, and it’s just taken all the fun out of the game.” says student Tim “The Main Event” Gatza (Tim informed me that “The Main Event” was his nick name during the heyday of the rec. room). So not only is their a quarter shortage on the campus, but fortune 500 companies were trying to use their corporate muscle to start a recreation room league. It’s a sad sad moment in time when corporate sponsorships get in the way of video game nirvana. When asked about exact situation, “The Legend” Pat Cullinan did nothing but shake his head in disgust.
Now with all the corporations gone and everything back to normal, why is their no fun being had in the rec. room again? “Recreation room? We have a recreation room? What is in this recreation room?” seems to be the sentiment shared by most at IVCC. The fact is, their just isn’t any knowledge that the rec. room even exists. We, the students, need to spread the word. Tell a friend, tell a teacher, tell a parent about the rec. room. We need to get those pinball flippers flipping again. Go to the recreation room and return to the great American past time of arcade games.
    It’s time to exercise the right to play video games at school that our grand fathers and great grandfathers fought so hard to preserve.