ACTIVITY OR EVENT:____________________________________________________
IF OFF CAMPUS, CITY & STATE:_______________________________________
FOR SPEAKER, FIRST & LAST NAME:____________________________________
Job Title ___________________________________________
Company Name ____________________________________
Topic _____________________________________________
OTHER: Cost? Open to Whom? Who is attending or competing? How selected or decided? Planned by whom? Why or how?
YOUR COMMENTS about this activity or event for possible use as a direct quotation.
YOUR NAME ____________________________________YOUR TITLE _________________________
ORGANIZATION OR GROUP _____________________________________________
Please return to the IV LEADER , IVCC, 815 North Orlando Smith Ave., Oglesby, IL 61348,
through campus mail, to office B-317, FAX to (815) 224-3033 ATTN: the IVLEADER,
or e-mail to lori_cinotte@ivcc.eduPLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED