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Column: Need help with life’s little problems? Ask Ashley
Sept. 11, 2003

    Here we are, only a few weeks into the new semester and already the halls are filled with chatter about hating the homework load, and that professor is too hard and of course the popular question, “When is the drop date?” 
    Even with all the complaints of the new term we can find all the help we need for our classes right inside the very walls that contain us. Little purple buttons labeled “Ask Me” bounce down the hall leading students who have lost their way. 
    Counselors assist in choosing a curriculum. Financial aid is distributed to help pay for the classes. Once we are involved and completely confused, peer tutoring is offered to aid in understanding the material. By the time we are ready to graduate, career planning will help to shape your future.
    But what happens when we step outside of the classroom? Life happens. After speeding away from the overloaded parking lots, school is the last thing any student wants to think about. 
    Being a student myself I know what weighs on most “troubled college” minds. Work schedules, cell phone bills, nagging parents, boyfriends who don’t remember your birthday, girlfriends who constantly ask if her butt looks big, younger siblings that rummage though your room when you aren’t home… The list goes on. 
    The list also becomes more complicated and serious.
    Where does one turn? When the problems aren’t class related, what good will a professor do? When you are worried your friends’ll ridicule you, then whom do you ask? 
    Of course there are always parents, but we are never home and the only time they know we are alive is when they sneak in our rooms at night and watch us sleep. What then?
    This is the part where I introduce myself. Hi. I’m Ashley. I’m that unbiased opinion that you are looking for. When friends can’t help you out, that’s when you can turn to me. I guess you could call me a modern day “Dear Abby” dealing with the same issues that college students face everyday. 
    I have the same homework problems and deal with the same relationship problems. I’ve had my heart broken and have been betrayed. More than likely I’ve dealt with your concerns or close enough to it that I can offer some sound advice.
    Lastly, but most importantly, how can one go about reaching me? It is a very simple process. All students have access to the computer lab. Use it. You can reach me at ivccadvice@yahoo.com. I do ask that only those who are seriously seeking advice use the e-mail. I don’t want my time to be wasted, nor do I want to waste your time. See you in the paper!