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Local band aims for fame

By James Brown
IV Leader Staff, Sept. 11, 2003

    Have you ever wondered how bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Sublime got started?
    The roots of these bands trace back to the hometown gigs performed by the young musicians trying to earn a name for themselves. The three members of Egon’s Unicat are walking those same steps as this is written.
    This talented and unique band has been surprising audiences for the past eight months. Egon’s Unicat started in January 2003 and consists of Tim Gatza, 18, Sean Walsh, 20, and Janette Washington, 19.
    In January, these talented musicians formed to become a band and practiced in Tim’s garage, which does not have a heater. Practicing in a garage, in January, wearing winter coats shows their true devotion to their music.
    Their first real gig was Jan. 25 at the Ottawa Boat Club, where they invited family and friends to discover the true talent that they possessed. 
    Egon’s Unicat started by covering bands such as Nirvana, Green Day, Less Than Jake and Silverchair. As the band started progressing, they learned a lot about each other’s musical talents and also about how well they performed together. The basic sound that the band has created sort of has a rock, punk and alternative twist to it.
    A majority of the band’s gigs have taken place at the Cancun Restaurant in Ladd with a few other local bands. Egon’s Unicat is becoming well known throughout the area and has acquired many more fans. 
    Washington stated, “So far, people have been extremely supportive. A lot of my friends make sure they attend our shows to stand up in front and sing along.”
    Presently, the band has 15 original songs, three of which were on their demo CD.
    Not too long ago, Egon’s Unicat played at Jam on the River in Ottawa. The group performed some great songs, including the well-known “Mambo Jambo,” which carries a catchy phrase and a distinctive dance to go along with it. That particular song got the crowd on its feet.
    The group also did a remake of the “Danger Zone” from the movie “Top Gun.”
    “That song sounded a lot better than it did in ‘Top Gun.’ They did an awesome job,” said Lizzie Rieuf of Ottawa.
    The band now practices in Walsh’s basement where it is crammed, but “fun and loud,” as Washington would say.
    Egon’s Unicat has a few shows coming up so everyone can check them out and see their talent. Following a date over the Labor Day weekend at Cancun in Ladd, the group has upcoming performances Sept. 12 at an Illinois State University house party and Sept. 20 at Milwaukee’s Rave (a battle of the bands where the winner receives 20 hours of recording studio time with a Milwaukee recording company).
    Hopefully, the future will hold much fame for these young stars so that the whole world can hear the talent that comes straight from the heart of Egon’s Unicat.