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Music appreciation: No fists required

By Caitlin Evanson, Sept. 3, 2009
IV Leader Columnist

    I’ve heard quite a few people state that they couldn’t live without music in their lives, that without music they wouldn’t be able to live. 
    We all know that everyone can, and will, live without music, but life might kind of suck if we didn’t have it, don’t ya think? 
    Everyone listens to music and, of course, there are different genres for everyone to listen to. So whether you’re a country fan, or a hip-hop fan, or a bluegrass fan, there is music out there for everyone to enjoy.
    Now this article is not being written about all kinds of music, just one in particular, well, sort of one in particular. 
    Towards the end of my summer, I finally went to a show up in Chicago with a few people I like to call my friends. This show consisted of four bands — The Copyrights, The Sidekicks, The Cobra Skulls and The Mezingers. Each band has different styles of music, but it is mostly punk. You know, the kind of music people throw fist to.
    This is where I meet my point on why I’m writing this article.
    I hate mosh pits with a passion. For those of you who don’t know what a mosh pit is here you go: a huge group of “cool” people standing in front of the stage during a show that like to push, shove, punch, kick, spit, scratch, slap, etc, everyone around them. Please tell me the point in this?
    I go to a show to enjoy the music. I go to watch the bands that I’ve been DYING to see live play their hearts out for all those who love them and their tunes. So getting stepped on and punched is definitely not on my agenda for the night, but I guess some people can’t enjoy music without punching other people while a song is playing?
    Wow, so confusing. 
    All I ask for is for those of you who love mosh pits, move em’ to the back, not the front. One thing that gets to me the most is that they start all mosh pits in the front of the stage. At least give those of us wanting to actually watch the band some room to move instead of getting nailed in the face. Just be considerate, please.
    I know that this is what I get for going to a punk/pop punk/ rockabilly/Indie concert but really I just wanted to enjoy seeing the bands play their music. I don’t really understand what people enjoy about mosh pits but I guess you have to do what you love doing, right? 
    There’s no point to punch people at a show for me though. I’d rather just groove along to the beats and do what I do best, just listen.