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Ultimate multi-tasking? Wonders of driving

By Caitlin Evanson
IV Leader Opinion Editor, Nov. 5, 2009

    Oh, the wonders of driving. Most of you reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. 
I drive everywhere (with an emphasis on everywhere, seriously). Without my car I’m pretty sure I’d be completely lost. 
    I know, I know, it sucks paying for gas, making car payments, keeping it nice and “fresh” looking, but it is still your car and to some of us, our baby.
    So why do so many of us today do stupid things that could, in the end, cause us to lose our so called beloved inventions. 
    Everyone knows what I’m talking about: those stupid, most of them pointless, things we do while driving.
    My first example is one that, and I quote my mother on this, “Is one of the most idiotic things a person could ever do while driving.” 
    Everyone knows what I’m talking about, texting. 
It’s the “in” thing to do these days. Everyone is doing it, even the kids I babysit have cell phones and some of them are only like, 10. 
    Woah, seriously? 
    This is happening right now people and it’s quite frankly a little frightening. 
    Anyways, back to texting and driving. I know so many people that do it and I’ve seen it while driving as well. 
    I won’t lie either though; I’ve done it before but I do realize how dangerous it is and I have started listening to my mom more and realizing that if something really is that important to talk about that instead of texting, I should just call them. 
    This seems just as dangerous in some situations, but to me, it’s better than trying to stare at my phone screen and type a three-page long response. Just saying.
    Another hazardous move would be talking on the phone, obviously. So many accidents are caused each year just because of people talking on the phone while driving and it’s continually getting worse. 
    My solution to this problem is either pull off to the side of the road if you think it is unsafe to drive and talk for yourself, wait till you get to your destination to talk, or possibly get a Bluetooth or one of those other high tech devices that make it accessible to talk without holding your phone to your ear.
    Another weird, yet very unsafe thing I have seen many people, most of them thankfully being girls, is applying make-up while driving.
    Okay, seriously people, who does this while driving? 
    If you can’t wake up early enough in the morning to put on your make-up maybe you should have thought about that the night before when you stayed up till 3 in the morning watching “Grey’s Anatomy.” How ‘bout that? 
    Just kidding but seriously, please don’t do that while driving. It’s not only completely stupid, but if you’re putting on make-up while you’re trying to control an object that weighs a freaking lot then it probably isn’t going to look to good in the end. 
    So either set your alarm earlier or maybe just wait till you get to your destination to actually apply your so called necessities. 
    Not only are people talking/texting on their cell phones while trying to drive (notice I put trying to drive not trying to talk/text because some people think that the other things are more important that controlling their car), but they also do other foolish behaviors, such as eating, reading the newspaper (!?!?!), or daydreaming about what tomorrow will be like while driving. 
    There, of course, is more after that though; tuning the radio, changing c.d.’s, fixing climate control in the car, reaching around back for something, and there is more after that as well.
    To me, this has gotten a little out of control. 
    Laws really need to be put down so it’s actually consoling to me to hear about the no texting while driving law. 
    I’m not saying I’m a great kid and I’m a completely safe driver because I’m not really, but I do know that what some people do right now while driving could someday lead to more harsh conclusions. 
    I just hate to see so many people get hurt because of someone else’s poor decision making skills. Keep it safe, kids.