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Strike ends, but students lose

EDITORIAL, Nov. 5, 2009

    Most of us were in high school at some point in time, right? 
    So, how would you feel missing out on school for, oh say about a month, with nothing you could do about it?
    So, let’s take a moment in time to feel for the students attending Ottawa Township High School. 
    I know most of them, sadly, were excited to hear that their teachers would be going on strike, but I highly doubt they thought it was going to expand into a month long process of no school. 
    And then to hear those dreaded words of summer vacation and Christmas break being shortened. Ouch.
    In high school most of us were just looking forward to it being over. 
    We hoped for snow days, or flood days for you Ottawans, and any other time school could possibly be called off.
    I’m highly doubting any of us would think that a strike would affect our lives in the ways that the OHS students are feeling now.
    Students transferred to other schools, been homeschooled, or are just plain upset about the situation.
    No one has disputed the fact that students were the losers in the strike.
    Luckily, a resolution has come along and the students are back in school and trucking along like they were before.
    Getting back into the school routine may be hard for many of them, but hopefully despite all the tension and bad feelings, everyone comes out on top and the school year finishes off great.
    Hopefully, no one has to go through this again, and as we get older, or even for some of us right now, our children don’t have to go through the same thing. 
    We can only hope.