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Gift giving: It’s the thought that counts

By Erin Richardson
IV Leader Columnist
THINKING AHEAD, Nov. 5, 2009

    The Holidays are approaching and many of us are dreading the thought of it. So, I have a few ideas for those of us who may be tight on money. 
    Whether or not you participate during the gift giving season, I think you may find these ideas useful throughout the year.
    To begin with, I have a friend with whom I exchange gifts with every year. We have one rule: do not spend more than $10. 
    We compete to see how many gifts we can buy that, combined, do not go over $10. It is really a fun experience. 
    You may be thinking that you can’t get much for such a small about of money, but you are wrong. 
    Here are some ideas off the top of my head. 
    First, don’t waste gas running to all these places because that defeats the purpose of trying to save money. Plan ahead. 
    If you are already going to a store, pick something up while you are there. For example, next time you are close to the mall, stop at Bath an Body Works and buy a fruity smelling soap ($1) and small hand lotion (2 for $5). The extra lotion can be used for another basket.
    On a different day, hit Wal-Mart, to buy a couple travel size gifts (everyone loves to carry them). Don’t forget the dollar stores (they are the best), for a candle ($1) and maybe a sweet treat ($1). 
    Oh, and my favorite, Target. With the $2.50 you have left to spend, check out their dollar section. Also, the clearance items. I bet you can find a small picture frame for that price.
    Put all your gifts into a basket with tissue paper, and your friend or family member will be delighted with your efforts.
    Also, it is great to reuse baskets that you may have received. However, if you need to buy one, the Dollar Tree has them for $1. 
    I realize this sounds like it is only for girls, but the same idea can be used to buy for men. 
    I would also like to add, the stores I mentioned were only an example. There are endless places to shop where you will find great deals.
    Lastly, it is good to remember, it is the thought that counts.