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Olympics leave unforgettable mark

By Rich Green
IV Leader Staff

    So there I am, glued to the television, like a preteen watching Hannah Montana. My eyes are bugging out of my skull, and my jaw exceeding the maximum drop allowance predetermined by my mandible.
    There I am, just like everyone else, living my life 50 meters at a time. There he is, some goofy looking kid from Michigan on his way to breaking another world record. Is he really part dolphin? Maybe… America’s new hero? Scratch that… Worldwide hero? Definitely.
    Not many moments in my short life have captivated a nation quite the way that this year’s Olympics did. I found myself rooting for the USA like Toby Keith does on every album.
    It didn’t matter what crazy event it was. Rowing starts at 4 a.m.? I am there. Wait, we lost? Oh, no worries, the USA men’s basketball team is playing Angola in 30 minutes.
    Amidst all the controversy surrounding the issues with China hosting these Olympics, the escalating situation with Russia and Georgia, even our issues back home, we lost ourselves in those 17 days in Beijing.
    It didn’t bring world peace, it didn’t resolve all conflicts, but happenings like these are a step in the right direction. Families became closer, maybe you chatted with your neighbor for the first time, or just maybe you set aside your differences with that rival Cubs fan.
    As I sit back and look over a recently destroyed bowl of cereal, I ponder: Is it really over? No more Michael Phelps? No more Usain Bolt? No more medal controversies? No more Tae Kwon Do kicks to the temple of an unsuspecting referee?
    Beijing for me and most undoubtedly the rest of us will make these Olympics games the most unforgettable for years to come.