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    A new course, Literature 2021-01, or Introduction to Shakespeare, will be offered to IVCC students during the spring semester.
    The class is a MWF, three credit hour class from 10-10:50 a.m. 
    Pre-requisites for the course include successfully passing Composition I and Composition II, or concurrent enrollment in Comp II with permission of the Dean).
    The class will fulfill a humanities Group I requirement. For more information contact Delores Robinson in A328 or by email at Delores_Robinson@ivcc.edu.

    The deadline for fall submissions to River Currents, IVCC’s literary magazine, is Oct. 31.
    Files should be submitted electronically to Ryen Nagle via email to Ryen_Nagle@ivcc.edu.  Artwork or graphic designs must be submitted in a .jpg format.
    Submissions may include poems, short fiction, scripts and/or excerpts from novels.
River Currents is published in the spring semester.
    For more information about the student organization, contact Nagle or any other IVCC English instructor.