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Louis takes on interim presidential seat

By Kassie Kallner
IV Leader Opinion Editor, Sept. 13, 2007

    The search for a new IVCC president is under way following the resignation of Larry Huffman in May.
David Louis will serve as interim president until a new president is hired. Louis was president of Kishwaukee Community College from 2000 until he retired this past March.
    Louis, who commutes to IVCC from his home in Rochelle, did not expect to be back in education so soon after his retirement, but found that the opportunity to come to IVCC for a short time fit into free time in his life.
    “Community colleges are my life,” Louis said. “IVCC is no different from my past experiences. This is a wonderful group of educators who love to teach in this community.”
    Louis said his main roll during his time as interim president will be to assist in the search for a new president and be a resource for faculty, students or potential candidates who have questions about issues facing IVCC.
    “I hope to help keep the college moving forward, but I know I’m not going to change the world in a few months,” Lewis said.
    Applications for potential candidates are ready and being sent out across the Midwest this week. 
    In the beginning of November, a review of applications will begin, followed by a narrowing down of candidates by the presidential search committee. The interview process can then begin as candidates are invited on campus. 
    Louis believes the process could be complete and a new president hired as soon as early February; however, he plans to stay at IVCC until the new permanent president can begin at the post. 
    In the meantime, Louis has hope that IVCC can improve the image of the college. 
    “Whatever issues in recent past they are ancient history; the only thing that counts is tomorrow,” Louis said. “And the future is phenomenal because of the people here.”