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Your IVCC experience is what you make it

By Lyndi Araujo
IV Leader Staff, Oct. 4, 2007
Column: Straying from Off the Field

    Welcome back everyone! Here we are, some odd weeks into school, and some of us feeling like our brains aren’t all the way back yet. I know that’s how I felt when I sat down to begin writing this, my first article of the year.
    Any regular readers of the IV Leader may wonder why they haven’t opened up to the sports section to find me rambling about college basketball or reviewing the latest sports book I read. Let me tell you, as much as I’d love to go off on a tangent about how my Chicago White Sox are 25.5 games out in the AL Central, or the Chicago Bears in general, I’m taking a little different route in my writing this week.
    A wise old teacher I had last year for journalism encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone once in awhile (which is obviously sports), and try my hand at some other topics. So as I stray away from the sporting world, I want to challenge some of you at IVCC this year to do the same. Don’t be afraid to talk to people beyond who you attended high school with. It’s okay to make new friends and still keep the old ones.
    Take advantage of extra curricular activities. Whether its intramurals, clubs or the student newspaper, these are all things that look great on an application and another way to meet new people.
    There are options here at IVCC for everyone. You can be the person who complains that going to school here just reminds you of high school and you just can’t wait until the day when you transfer, but that will be the fault of no one but yourself.
    Our time here is what we choose to make it. Make it yours!