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EDITORIAL: It’s time to take an interest

Oct. 4, 2007

    Many exciting things happened in the last few weeks on the Illinois Valley Community College campus and to the Illinois Valley in general.
    Our local National Guard troops came home after a year deployment in Iraq, on campus several faculty members have successfully started a College Democrats group to equal the already established Young Republicans and the 337 votes cast in the Student Government Association elections are the highest they have been in the last 14 years.
    But, here’s the question: Do you know or take concern with any of these things? There were high turnouts at the Welcome Home ceremony in Streator for the National Guard troops, but they were mostly just family, friends and reporters. The College Democrats have less than 20 members and those 337 SGA votes? A high number for the records, but there are 3,943 students at IVCC this semester.
    It’s time to start taking an interest and concern with the important things going on in the world from the national level, to the local level and on the IVCC campus. If you don’t educate yourself on the issues from national to local politics you have no control over what people decide for your life.
    And if you don’t show an interest, those in charge will never try to appeal to you as a whole.
    Let’s go outside the box and get beyond the thinking that just because something may not appear to affect us directly that it doesn’t matter; it does, and it’s time to start paying attention.