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 Editorial: Looking forward in the fall

   By JJ Ossola
   IV Leader Staff, Oct. 19, 2006

    Life is starting to move pretty quickly for some people here on campus.
    The holidays are fast approaching, the weather is getting cooler, and mid-term tests and papers have come and gone for some.
    Parties are being planned, football is on the tube all weekend, and the leaves have started to litter the streets.
    God, I love this time of year! The mid-term elections are another thing that makes this season special to me. Pretty corny, but true.
    I wasn’t always this way. Although I voted from the time I was able to, I didn’t get out there and vote every time.
    Is it good enough to just vote for the president?
    One minor day in four years time, half the time you don’t recognize the names the further down the ballot you get. Like many people, the 2000 election got me motivated (no, I didn’t vote for Gore or Bush) by what our process has become and how politicians work their strategy.
    After 2000, I started to vote in primaries and I also started looking into who the winners of the primaries were before their campaigns reshaped them and gave them soundbytes to go out into the media with.
    I was fully prepared for who I was going to vote for well before the election was set. That is until someone started their mud-slinging campaigning. I understand that its part and parcel for today’s political maneuvering in the media but what a shame.
    Like many other voters, that person was not voted for. What it boils down to is this: mud and money sometime win the day but only when the voters don’t do their due diligence on the candidate.
    Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear, until you double check it, unless you don’t plan on voting...then just enjoy show, it’s part of the season.


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