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 Move over Maslow!: Part Three

   By Heather Bowers
   IV Leader Staff, Nov 9, 2006

    4. Ingenuity In order to succeed, the task is not to see what no one else has seen before, but to think thoughts no one else has thought before about things everybody sees.
    Originality is slowly being lost in a world where you can see a line of the same car coming down the highway. Originality, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start from scratch.
    Some of the most successful people throughout history have been those who took an existing idea and looked at it a little differently. Consider looking at situations a little differently from everyone else.
    When you think everything has gone wrong, consider the possibility that maybe everything has gone right. Construct your own views and train your mind to explore the hidden meanings of your life.
    3. Endurance
It has been said that in a horse race, the horses are winded and out of breath before the half mile, and whichever one wins is the one that finished on heart alone.
    It’s heart that gets you through the tough times. When Thomas Edison was asked about endurance, he said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
    Life takes endurance. It can be long and hard and seem like it’s moving at the pace of a glacier. However, like Edison said, you never know when your hard work and patience will pay off. Everything works out in the end, and if it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end.
    Take Frank Sinatra’s lyrics as advice: “I just pick myself up and get back in the race.” The race is long and hard, but the in the end the reward is completely worth it.
2. Companionship
No man is an island and no one gets there alone.
    One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night. They like us for who we are and give us the support we need.
    The best companions, however, are usually those who have been through thick and thin with us. They are the ones who know us inside and out, and still love us. They pick us up when we fall, dust us off, and give us a push to keep going.
    Ultimately people need each other. A lot of the long journey of our lives is individual; but without others, we will never make it to the top. To be continued ...


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