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 Crunch Time!

   By JJ Ossola
   IV Leader Editor, Dec 7, 2006

    We are in the final days, my friends. Not in the biblical sense (sorry, “Left Behind” fans) but in the academic timeline.
     Unfortunately, for most students, there is no clear grade in sight. We have possibilities and probability. You know, I could get an ‘A’ if I do good on the final, but I am probably going to get a ‘B’ or ‘C.’
    This could lead to some overdue stress in a stress loaded season. Buck up, little camper! Times are tough. So you should have done your christmas shopping in October when you had loads of time. So you should have worked more hours in August even though it was so darn nice out. So you should have gotten those extra credit things done in September.
    It’s too late now, or is it?
    Yes, it is, but you can make the best of the situation by making yourself a clear plan of attack.
    Step one: prioritize. I would recommend that you get all your notes out and the syllabus out. Organize them, look them over, and if your grade in that class is horrible, contact the instructor. Find out if there is any extra credit before going to beg for some. Ask if you can turn in a late paper or assignment you missed. You will probably get turned down but it’s a shot.
    Step two: learn to sacrifice. It’s only for a few weeks. Tell your boy/girl friend that you can’t hang out this weekend. Tell work that you definitely need your exam and the day/weekend off to study. If you go out for something, don’t make it an all day ordeal. I’m not saying, study 24/7. I’m saying study, take a break, and then look at it again. The rule of thumb is, if you don’t know it by the day the test is given, you’re not going to learn it 15 minutes before the test!
    Step three: when it’s over, if you’ve actually tried hard, it doesn’t matter what grade you get because you put in the effort. Reward yourself and get ready to do it again! See you all next semester.
    Happy holidays and stay safe!


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