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 Are Republicans as conservative as they claim? 

   By Jason Hochstatter
   IV Leader, Dec 7, 2006

    It has come to my attention that there may be some inconsistencies in politics. Stating the blatantly obvious is a special skill of mine, you see. To save some of you who would normally read part of my column, decide you hate me and all the “garbage” that I may or may not be subscribing to, I am going to be making pointed observations about the Republican Party in this article. So if you’re a hardcore right extremist, save yourself a bit of time and ignore this article.
    Being a conservative in this country means favoring a small central government with more state’s rights. I am indeed a conservative on a number of issues in this regard. Many of the so-called conservative Republicans are not.
    Take for example the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage. An amendment to the Constitution banning gay marriage would be the first amendment to ban something since prohibition.
    Prohibition seemed to make alcohol all the more fashionable because it was supposedly harder to get, so will it do the same for gay marriage? Letting gay people get married to each other does not trample on anyone’s rights, but the amendment would trample on the freedoms of gay people.
    “Conservative” Republicans are advocating advancements of the government into people’s personal lives. The flag burning amendment is very similar. If this pointless amendment ever gets passed, I think I would burn a flag in protest. Very few flags are burned in protest in this country. In other countries they do it quite frequently, but that wouldn’t really be enforceable.
    Government spending is another huge issue. The Republicans like to call out the Democrats for “tax and spend” policies, while the current administration has cut taxes and spending. We had a surplus, but now our government is up to its neck in debt, and they refuse to raise taxes. Whatever happened to being fiscally conservative? I think the government needs to get a debt counselor.
    Finally I come to Iraq. Iraq was and is an act of arrogance and hubris. We go into a country to disarm them of weapons that our leaders knew they didn’t have. We then change our reasons for going in there, and say that we’re spreading freedom and democracy. What if the Iraqis wanted to live in a dictatorship? I imagine eventually the Iraqis would have rebelled if they didn’t like it.
    If they had wanted it badly enough, they would have eventually come together in rebellion to topple the regime themselves, and then there would be no civil war because they would care enough about their government to actually make it work, and they wouldn’t have terrorists in there causing unrest.
    Why do you think that a lot of people in the Middle East hate the Americans? The monster’s body doesn’t know what the head is doing. For those of you who kept reading and actually thought about what I’m saying and then decided whether it was good or bad, I thank you.


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