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 Virus affects first day of registration  

   By Jason Hochstatter
   IV Leader, Dec 7, 2006

    Online registration for spring classes started Nov. 6, but some of the first students who registered had problems with WebAdvisor due to a computer virus.
    WebAdvisor, the online registration client that IVCC uses, was infected with a virus, causing problems for students who tried to register. Students who registered before the virus had been removed were actually registered, but they did not know they were registered.
    “We very seldom have any problems,” said Harold Barnes, Director of the Information Technology Department. A virus was discovered in the system and removed from the server around 9:39 by web master Bob Hunter.
    “Once we rebooted everything was fine,” said Director of Admissions Tracy Morris. “It must’ve been a newer virus,” said Barnes, adding that the server’s anti-virus software is updated every Friday.
    Barnes also said that the campus’s computers are protected by a firewall, a type of program that protects computers from outside threats. Web Advisor itself runs on an outside computer, and it was through that the virus was introduced.
    Barnes said, “We went over all security issues, and tightened all kinds of security.” This is the third year that Web Advisor has been used.


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