Jim Gaffigan: Comedy at a different angle
By Karlie Baker
IV Leader, Dec 7, 2006
Who knows that pale, blonde guy from the Sierra Mist
You know, the one with the bird on his head? His name if Jim
Gaffigan, and he’s known for more than his Sierra Mist fame.
The stand-up comedian recently performed material from his
latest CD, Beyond the Pale, at ISU’s Bone Student Center.
Gaffigan’s schtick is unique: he heckles himself. Someone who
is not familiar with his material may first believe that Gaffigan suffers from
Yet there are two distinct characters at work: Jim Gaffigan,
comedian, and Random Audience Member, the most easily offended person on the
planet. The “change” in personalities is distinguished by his pitch. The
audience member often chimes in the midst of a joke, “Hey, I work at Wendy’s!”
or, “Well, that’s just ridiculous.” The audience member works to neutralize the
constant onslaught of social and culinary jabs. But even without the random
audience member’s commentary, Jim Gaffigan still carries an effective show.
Among Gaffigan’s favorite topics of conversation, food seems
to be predominant. He often represents the dieting views now connected to the
typical American—loving fast food, overeating on holidays, and the wonders of
peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Don’t forget the Hot Pockets! He also
likes to point out the quirks of everyday life.
Who knew that cops on horses and take-out order panic made
for such good comedy? Another target of Gaffigan’s jokes is religion.
As he explains, “I want everyone to feel comfortable, that’s
why I’d like to talk to you about Jesus.” Among other things, Gaffigan comments
on the length of Catholic church services and Mary’s immaculate conception. His
inner audience member gasps, “This guy’s going to Hell in two religions. He’s
practically sprinting there.”
Yet he is sure to keep his jokes shy of offensive. Gaffigan
hasn’t been struck down by lighting yet, so perhaps God really does have a good
sense of humor.
For days afterward, Gaffigan‘s observations stalked me. Even
going to lunch at Denny‘s, I looked at the rotating dessert display and could
hear him saying, “Yeah, I don’t feel like dessert but when I see pudding at that
Jim Gaffigan creates a trifecta of hilarity with Jesus,
pastiness and Hot Pockets.
The inner audience member has something right when he scoffs,
“ridiculous,” at every joke—his bologna has a first name, and it’s Gaffigan.
But hey!… I like bologna.