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Students invited to get involved with SPAMO

By Heather Von Neumann
IV Leader Staff

    Introduction to SPAMO - 1001
    During the past few weeks I have taken a small informal survey from 36 IVCC students, 22 of them either never heard of or could not describe the student organization SPAMO. The most popular response was “canned meat?”
    So what is SPAMO?
    For those of you who do not know, here is your first lesson. It stands for Students of the Performing Arts and Music Organization. We are lead by students and guided by Professor David Allan Kuester.
    The members help to build the sets, run the lights, create costumes, and even run the concessions for all the theater-related events and plays. SPAMO funds the coffee house, the comedy improve team, one- and two-year scholarships and the night of new music. There is usually a dramatic play in the fall semester, a musical or classic in the spring, as well as a student’s choice event in the summer.
    This year, to combine the madrigal and the fall play, Kuester and Choir director Norm Engstrom have decided to put together a larger scale show. The Victorian Christmas will be set in the 1800s and involve dinner, songs, period costumes, and dancers. The spring semester musical this year will be an energetic play adapted from the ‘70s cartoon show “School House Rocks.”
We will give you more information on audition and performance dates with times later in the semester.
We help our members develop their skills in play writing and auditioning.
    The summer piece from this past season, “The Green Room,” was written by the cast and will be revised to send out to U.S. competitions.
    We are hopeful that in the future it will be published and then produced at high schools across the country. SPAMO funded the entire production and, to assist the play writers, hired a company to create a DVD to take along to competition. Every winter SPAMO helps prepare any of our members who choose to go to the Illinois Theater Association auditions. The ITAs are held in Chicago. SPAMO assists the students with head shots, travel and lodging for the two-day event.
    We would like to hear your opinions on some of our ideas for upcoming events, such as a dance open to all students.
    A weekly or monthly movie night, where works from specific actors, directors or genres will be shown in the theater, is also in consideration. All of these opportunities and activities are open to you, but we also need to hear your opinions and ideas.
    Everyone is welcome to come to the meetings, which are at noon Mondays in the theater (Cultural Center F-113). This is a community theater so anyone is welcome to audition, even those who are not enrolled in classes. You don’t have to be a huge talent or even perform. You just have to have an interest in the slightly dramatic experience of the theater.
    Questions/Comments: slightly_dramatic_spamo@hotmail.com

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