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Head-to-Head: Working to lower book prices

Instructors should use required textbooks

By Greta Lieske
IV Leader Staff

    Every semester most full-time students will eventually throw down a couple hundred dollars for their textbooks, and the money is completely gone, just like that.
    Purchasing used books can lower this high price, but, as most know, sometimes we don’t have that luxury. On average, when I enroll in five classes a semester, there are at least three classes which require either new textbooks that the bookstore has to order, or they are bundled with a workbook or CD, which bounces the price up.
    I completely understand that IVCC is not the only community college, or college for that matter, that has high prices for textbooks. And in all actuality, there is not much that IVCC administrators can do to soften the problem.
    Unfortunately, high textbook prices are just something that every student has to deal with and somehow pay for. So I, like most students, just suck it up and hand over my hard earned money for my textbooks.
    There is one issue with textbooks, however, that needs to be fixed and happens a lot more than most people realize.
Time after time, I have spent countless dollars on a textbook only to discover during the semester that my instructor doesn’t refer to the book or require any work or readings from it.
    I keep waiting throughout the semester, wondering when that infamous textbook will come in handy. I think to myself…“I will have to read some chapters soon, I’m sure of it” or “I’m sure I will have to use it to study for a test sooner or later,” but that moment never comes.
    If a teacher knows that their students don’t need to buy a textbook for their class, then why make us waste money to buy one?
If all of the information in the class is going to be from lectures and handouts, why did I just shell out endless amounts of cash that I won’t see again?
    Instructors should decide before the semester begins if a book will be required for the class, and if it isn’t…please, don’t make us buy one just for the sake of having it.
    I really don’t need to buy anymore books that just sit in my computer room gathering dust until book buyback week. It is pointless and just wastes my precious money.

Head to Head: Bookstore works to keep prices as low as possible

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