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Aarr! Throw President Bush to the bilge rats

By Jason Hochstatter
IV Leader Staff

    A few days ago I heard a news story when a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia was attacked by pirates. You don’t hear very many news stories about pirates in these modern times, but I’m happy they’re still around.
    Maybe I simply have a romanticized view of piracy, but going out in a boat with a bunch of guns and weaponry and booze sounds like a pretty good party to me.
    In other news, I noticed the White House is vehemently opposed to a bill introduced by John McCain (who I have a great deal of respect for) that uses more specific wording regarding the United States using torture overseas.
    I personally do not see why the president (who I respect significantly less than the pirates) is opposed to this, considering that welcoming this bill would make him look like a moral and upstanding guy in a time where his presidency is going down a hill with lots of rocks in a wagon that is losing its wheels.
    Even though he is saying that the CIA does not use torture, his actions seem to indicate otherwise.
    Most politicians would cringe at vetoing a bill like that, and I must say that Bush has a lot of guts to tell McCain, an ex-prisoner who was tortured for several years, that the United States is going to torture people if it feels like it.
    Maybe we should hand Bush over to the pirates and see what he thinks about torture after a few weeks with them.

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